(English) Open doctoral and post-doctoral positions ! D/L: Sept 30, 2019

The CNRS CMB Computational Social Science Team based in Berlin is recruiting several doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers, to work under the ERC Consolidator grant « Socsemics », focusing on internet echo chambers and polarization. These offers take place in an interdisciplinary context and touch a variety of domains: computational social science, political science, NLP, information visualization, sociology of the internet, social network analysis, complex network modeling, essentially.

Detailed job offers may be found here with a deadline for application set at Sept 30th, 2019.

The team presentation is available either as a video or as a website, while the « Socsemics » ERC project has its own website

Extensive information on the scientific content and context are available in the above-mentioned job offers – interested applicants may nonetheless feel free to contact Camille Roth (roth[@]cmb.hu-berlin.de) to discuss this further.