
This section aims at gathering helper websites and popularization articles focused on selected team publications.

Do algorithms keep playing the same old song?

An article in CNRS News featuring researchers of the RECORDS project explaining the main results of "Follow the guides: disentangling human and algorithmic curation in online music consumption" published in the proceedings of RecSys '21.

Gender bias in popular movies

An informal account with the main results and some further references of "Computational appraisal of gender representativeness in popular movies" published in Humanities and Social Sciences Communications.

Tubes and Bubbles

A companion website featuring the main results, data and code of "Topological confinement of recommendations on YouTube" published in PLOS ONE.

since 2019

The website dedicated to the graphbrain project, providing an overview and tutorials around our natural language processing platform and library.


Companion website featuring the main results and source code of "Large-scale diversity estimation through surname origin inference" published in the Bulletin of Sociological Methodology.

Using Evolutionary Computation to Explain Network Growth

Additional material and examples for the evolutionary method aimed at the automatic detection of (arbitrarily complex) network formation laws, published as “Symbolic regression of generative network models” in Scientific Reports.