(English) Job offers



User confinement in online communities (SNA and info-viz)
ERC project "Socsemics"

We open up to two internships under the supervision of Camille Roth. For the first internship, applicants should ideally be achieving a master’s degree in computer science and related fields (e.g., applied mathematics); prior knowledge of network theory and/or online data collection is desirable. The second internship targets students in information visualization and information design.

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Automatic Hypothesis Generation for Network Growth Models
ERC project "Socsemics"
We open up to two internships. Candidates should be achieving a Masters Degree in Computer Science and related fields. Beyond a sufficient knowledge in Computer Science, desirable skills include in particular : algorithmic complexity and graph theory, network science, machine learning (especially evolutionary computation / genetic programming), as well as python and its common scientific libraries. Ability to innovate autonomously is expected.
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